Want her back

Out of context: Reply #35

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    woah woah woah... this is aaaalll just her saying, "you didn't do things my way, so now im leaving you until you do". this is called "bluff" my dear benfall.

    99.9% of the time, this is what the woman is doing.

    i would ignore her. forcing her to live with her decision. when she realises that you're a self-sufficient male and don't need to live the way she wants you too, she'll present herself once again.

    the more you try and win her back, the higher she places herself. it's like a child who threatens to run away. if the parent chases the child, the child will run for miles. if you sit and wait, she'll return.

    i would remove all temptation of contacting her. i would delete her number from my phone, delete emails, remove from facebook, everything.

    this has an added benefit. when she finaly does re-introduce herself into your life. she will see that you had severed all contact. this will plant a seed in her head that you were truly fine without her, and she will think twice before pulling that shit again.

    she'll be back benny boy. don't you worry. and if she doesn't, she truly was not for you, and you're better off with another woman!

    the fact that she is allowing you to stay in contact with her, proves my theory. back the fuck up benfal, and grow a pair. life's too short to be chasing irrational beings!

    the truth is, we'd all love to be in relationships of equality, but it just dont work that way. you have to stand your ground and she'll respect you for it. in the end, you'll both see that there is no value in playing games and you'll live happier than most couples.

    not being a prick. just telling it like it is.

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