2009 QBN Mugs

Out of context: Reply #488

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    well aside from the fact that you are threatening me over the internet i will assume your bad mood is a result of your recent emotional situation.

    a few things i suggest... thinking you can hurt me won't bring her back and likely illustrates why she isn't around.... you spend more time on this site than me and i'm here too much... that says something about you, i'm sure she didn't live online... you may be sure that benfail is me but you are 100% wrong, think about what else you may be misunderstanding of misconstruing... sleep off your anger, realize in the past 10 minutes you threw a fit over a jpg and falsely accused someone with threats of violent aggression over said jpg... check yourself homie, i'll write it off to a buddy being drunk and we'll be friends again tomorrow.

    • my message about 'destroying your face' was for the guy who created the profile Benfail99.benfal99

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