True Life Horror Stories

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • bigtrick0

    this was told to me by a friend.

    so halloween night she is out at a party with her friends, has a good time, afterwards gets out on the street and finds her car towed. she ends up in a towyard in the catacombs of Chicago, in a freezing little concrete bunker where a clerk sits behind a bulletproof window, waiting for the paperwork to go through. a gaggle of screaming clubster girls comes into the tiny bunker, and it really is quite full - it is cold inside but much warmer than outside the bunker.

    the clubsters scream clubster things at each other and after a little while someone else tries to open the door to get into the bunker. my friend is standing right by the door and catches a glimpse of a huge monstrous man, i'm talking enormous, looks like a goddam executioner, with a scarred craggy face with dirty scruffy hair. scariest person you'd ever want to run away from. inexplicably, he is holding an egg in his hand.

    one of the clubgirls who is standing right behind the door, slams the door closed before it opens and yells "it's full in here!" giggling to her friends - from her position she cannot see the person outside. the door tentatively opens again a few more times, but the clubgirls have turned it into a game and shove the door closed every time with their bodies, laughing to each other. then there are no more noises from outside... but then my friend sees something coming in under the door and takes a picture:

    true story.

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