The Salary Question

Out of context: Reply #31

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  • twokids0

    There are only two parts to interviewing:

    1) Do anything to get them to offer you a job, anything. Act like you love the place, have always wanted to work there, will work like a dog, etc. Lie Lie Lie... However, you DO NOT talk money. Defer the topic politely by saying money is not important to talk of right now.

    2) If they offer you the job (ALWAYS your goal - all else is irrelevant) then they have said they want you and you can discuss money. Now you have leverage. But until they offer you the job, discussions of money are a waste of time. If you say too high a number they just delete you. Too low they may delete you from lack of respect. they have to want you first. But if they want to hire you and then you want more than what they are offering, you have a chance to get more.

    one extra thing. when you go for a job in a really big corporation, you take what they give you. they will have a range that they will not change for your demands if you take the job you make it up in benefits and security over time. they will have a range they will not change.

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