Another dead cyclist...

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • raf0

    You are wrong here. The accidents actually were caused by car drivers. So said the police or/and the court in each case. Two of the guys got new bigger bikes from insurance money already. One of them has actually had two similar accidents in the last 2-3 years somebody bumping into him from the side.
    One of the recent cases was my friend flipping over a car on an intersection which he was crossing at a green light. The car crossing on red was driven by a teenage girl who was with her girlfriends and on the phone (just like in this Gwent Police video). There were lots of witnesses to confirm.

    My point is though, despite the accidents being caused by reckless car drivers, it is fucking absurdly dangerous to ride a motorbike.

    • i'm currentlyskt
    • ...writing this on a mobile phone while on your yamaha?raf

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