Halloween costume ideas

Out of context: Reply #43

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  • mg330

    Here are Arthur Kade's own options for what he might be for Halloween:

    Arthur Kade: This will probably be the hottest and edgiest costume of the year in Philadelphia, and it won’t require any dressing up, but it lacks originality on my part, and will probably be so overdone that I won’t be the fashion trendsetter that I always am for The Gen Pop. As Philly Mag suggested, I could also have my usual girl entourage with Kade ratings on their shirts and a killer new Fedora. This will work well for Audrina since Kristin probably told her about meeting me already.

    Michael Jordan: I will paint myself really dark brown so that it looks authentic, wear a black cap so it looks like his bald head, and will wear a vintage Jordan outfit. Since I have been compared to him so many times, and I was a tremendous collegiate level player in my day, it would be fun to pay homage to MJ, but will it potentially hurt my ability to land a 9 or 10 because people won’t recognize that it’s me.

    Superman: I already look a lot like him because of my body shape, hair color, and Greek/Italian appearance, so it would be funny to see The Brand dress up as The Man Of Steel. This is a dark horse right now because it seems to ordinary for Arthur Kade, but I would do something special for the crowd since all eyes will be on me like Britney Spears in Circus to make the Gen Pop go “Oh My God!!”.

    Jesus Christ: This one would be interesting because of the obvious coincidences between “The Journey” and his life that I have pointed out in past blogs, and I could really spice him up to be really funky for a 21st century Jesus. I can’t grow facial hair well, because I grow a beard with holes in it, but with my acting abilities I could memorize scripture lines and recite them to Audrina at our table if I end up at Dusk

    Bobby DeNiro/Jake LaMotta: this would be a blast since I often compare my career path to the heights of my favorite actor, Bobby DeNiro, and Raging Bull is one of my favorite all time movies, but I don’t want to be shirtless in the cold, and my abs are not where they need to be right now. I think that this could be great as tabloid fodder because shots of me without my shirt on would definitely show up on Gawker like they did this time (http://gawker.com/5313741/which... but if I am with Audrina and not at Public House then we will end up on Celebrity sites like The Insider and USA Today like I did with Kristin Cavillari anyway.

    • It's ROBERT DeNiro, you sack.elahon
    • Is this guy for real?GRAC
    • unfortunately, yes.t_rock

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