Sex At What Age?

Out of context: Reply #46

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  • 7point340

    my first experience was similar to orbit and neue's except in reverse.

    at a party. i was 15 or so. it was also my first time with alcohol. i had had probably 3 beers and i was pretty well messed up and this girl was there. i had never met her before and i don't remember who she knew at the party or even who i knew for that matter. i didn't go to that many parties as i was incredibly shy and i was the kid they picked on in middle school.

    well this girl was very interested in me, which was a new experience for me. after making out for a long while on the couch which i'm sure soaked my jeans. i remember we ended up somewhere alone... i have a vague memory of fumbling to take off clothing though for some reason it seems like i was much better at it then then i was years later in college. i don't really remember any of the good parts if there were any, but i remember looking down at her at one point and she was completely passed out.

    it's funny now, but i freaked out. completely. i put my pants back on and tried to wake her up but she was blacked out drunk. i remember getting really nervous about someone finding us. i went into the bathroom and lost my mind... i puked and then the next thing i remember was being woken up on the floor of the bathroom. she had left. i never saw her again. her name was christine or christina i think.

    it was fairly traumatizing and i didn't have sex again for years after that, though i did want to. i couldn't.

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