truism's for liff

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • BuddhaHat0

    Truisms for Liff? what about 'The Meaning of Liff' ?

    Douglas Adams' silliness makes me laugh...

    ACLE (n.)
    The rouge pin which shirtmakers conceal in the most improbable fold of a new shirt. Its function is to stab you when you don the garment.

    AFFCOT (n.)
    The sort of fart you hope people will talk after.

    BAUGHURST (n.)
    That kind of large fierce ugly woman who owns a small fierce ugly dog.

    HIBBING (n.)
    The marks left on the outside breast pocket of a storekeeper's overall where he has put away his pen and missed.

    KETTERING (n.)
    The marks left on your bottom or thighs after sunbathing on a wickerwork chair.

    QUENBY (n.)
    A stubborn spot on a window which you spend twenty minutes trying to clean off before discovering it's on the other side of the glass.

    WOKING (participial vb.)
    Standing in the kitchen wondering what you came in here for.

    SHEPPY (n.)
    Measure of distance (equal to approximately seven eighths of a mile), defined as the closest distance at which sheep remain picturesque.

    More silliness @…

    • that was what i was referring to yes. the 2 volumes of that are awesomeness™airey
    • by golly if awesomeness isn't in the dictionary yet it should be!!!BuddhaHat

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