Human Origins Rethink ?

Out of context: Reply #68

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  • baseline_shift0

    i tend to agree with gramme here.

    For me, its a concept best described by the ancient greeks as 'Logos vs Mythos'. Logos being science and reason and Mythos being mythology and the spiritual.

    Before Galileo, there was a sharp divide between religious and scientific lines of thinking. What he did was help us realize our place in the universe, and begin trying to explain our place in the universe. Then, Darwin further blended these lines by offering scientific theories as to the origins of life on the planet.

    That being said, the discoveries made by these scientists and their predecessors have helped mold our understanding of our universe and the life in it, but they also began to give gravity to the idea of science REPLACING religion (or spirituality. Read logos replacing ethos.)

    Now, the greeks had a much more basic understanding of our natural world, but they believed that both had an equally important part of the human experience on our planet. Logos for fueling our rational, scientific, logical brain. This is obviously important for architecture, engineering, medicine, etc. But, Mythos had an equal spot at their table, because Logos had no business trying to explain love, or joy, or helping you get over the death of a loved one.

    In out increasingly scientifically aware existence, its easier to explain more through science. And while this has many benefits, it doesnt necessarily improve our mortal human experience. Even though science can explain more, doesnt mean it should stretch to explain EVERYTHING. Mythos should have an equal spot at the table. IMHO

    • <gramme
    • and im not really that 'religious'. I just dont think science can explain everything. Pain and beauty exist independent of logic.baseline_shift
    • independent of logic.baseline_shift
    • +1designbot
    • That's all well and good but religion breaks this rule all the time by trying to explain the natural world.Mimio
    • In fact that's really the initial role of faith and religion.Mimio
    • i wouldnt necessarily call organized religion as we know it Mythos. And its all about balance. you need BOTHbaseline_shift

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