what is the point of design?

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • lowimpakt0

    " Design is a from applied creativity. Sort of like physics is a from applied mathematics. "

    I like that - it's about providing movement to something potetially position neutral (creativity)

    I was having a debate yesterday with an "entrepreneurship" consultant that sets up/incubates small creative businesses and he was saying design is a shit "term" because it is so fluid and that even most designers don't know what it is/means/does/can be.

    he was challenging the "point" of design and was looking for the deeper meaning and flattening out the actions of design (creative thinking, knowledge exchange, protoyping, refinement etc etc).

    We then got onto the fragmentation of design and how it evolved into an industry/sector aiming at ever decreasing complexity and value - basically the role of creative thinking is being directed at increasingly meaningless problem and the capacity for "designers" to tackle the "big" problems is being evolved out (by education and practice).

    anyway - i was trying to defend design but wondered if i should have bothered.

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