lawfirm sites?

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  • mg330

    That's all our company does. Law firm sites, marketing technology, etc, etc. I work as a project manager and consultant to law firms for a larger business.

    boobs - if you are dealing with a single individual, well, that can be tough. Sadly that's still the norm but legal marketing departments have improved tremendously in the past several years. Marketing departments are relying much more heavily (if they know what's best for them) on dedicated web people that should know their stuff. True, projects and insignificant details can get mired in decision overkill, but it's up to us to help them "see the light" so to say. I'm fortunate that all of my clients are great listeners and really value what I/we have to offer. It makes it easier to give them bad news, and just be honest when their ideas are not the best.

    Again - if they know what's best they will let the experts and professionals handle the right things. The legal industry is still tied in many ways to age-old traditions and ways of doing things. The "I'm a lawyer, I know what's best for everything" mantra still exists, but good firms will know that doesn't always work, especially when it comes to marketing and the web - things lawyers really never have time to focus on. I worked in a legal marketing department for 5 years and I really enjoy being on this side of the table now. It is much more enjoyable and I get much greater satisfaction from this than I did being a marketing coordinator.

    Also boobs - is the site for a sole practitioner? Or a firm? How many people? Well organized? Old? Young? Sole practitioners are a totally different thing altogether. I'm sure they think a $1,000 web site is expensive. People like that would faint if they knew what larger web sites cost. Our entire backend product, for example, is ours. We have around 13 products for legal marketing now, all built by our company. Web sites, alumni and career sites, blogs, media management, proposal generation systems, opportunity management, email marketing, contact management systems, etc.

    If you'd like to know any more (cashface especially) just send me an email. I've got a much more extensive list of good sites at my office. I'm really pleased with the creative work we're doing now in-house. Have a great art director and though many sites are still in development, we've been turning out some of the best work ever in the past 6-9 months.

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