portfolio crit

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • bort0

    I think how irreverent you can be depends a lot on your target. If you're simply using this to land a job at a design agency, then cursing may not hurt you. This of course depends a lot on the agency. Some will find it juvenile, to others it will imply that you're not a total bore.

    If you're trying to land your own clients, I err on the side of caution and dial back on irreverence. Finding new freelance clients is hard enough as is, why make it harder by possibly turning customers off with something as trivial as cursing. Kna mean? Nobody wants to water down their work, but at the same time this is a commercial activity, you're not making a painting or zine.

    • agreed, for the record i am not looking for freelance with this site. Just want to have a place to display my work.epac21

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