Sell your logos on iStockphoto

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • marychain0 there are no royalties?

    they're going to sell the logo for 1 time for 750 credits

    so......essentially....I'm selling a logo for $5?

    What am I .....a toothless, crack smoking 60 year old prostitute?

    GET FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think it's about time to burn the goddamned istock building down.

    • read the above explanation and get back to us.airey
    • ahhhh...I can't be arsed
      I'll just ignore i-stock
    • you get half the charged amount + $5 for the upload if you're in the first 10k.airey
    • Are you seriously a 60 year old prostitute, must be if you can't even read what's been told to you above.photos4me

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