what would you learn?

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • Horp0

    I don't think its a mid-life crisis. I think a lot of people in our industry are feeling like this lately. We've hit a point of oversaturation now. Its hard to get excited about doing something because its pretty much all been done before now.

    It sounds like you do similar sorts of things to me... hybrid illustration/graphics. I think that's an area on the wain at the moment. Its been fashionable to solve design problems with decoration for a long time now and really it has to go out of fashion again as it did in the late 90's.

    Its nigh on impossible to do something genuinely new and exciting without it becoming some mad 3d deep complex surreal fantasy epic mindblowing vista, and frankly even that's done to death and has a diminishing commercial outlet.

    Everyone who can do something visual is busily doing it and posting it online. We're all lost in a sea of visual material and feeling sea sick. "Go and learn to do something totally outside of the creative industry" would be be my choice.

    • < well saidjimbojones
    • "We're all lost in a sea of visual material and feeling sea sick." Exactly. AND the idiots are winningjimbojones
    • "pretty much all been done before now"
      true, and very sad.
    • Hear, hearTomBac

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