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Out of context: Reply #56

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  • Coffeemaker0

    their brief is just typically the odd-thinking of a marketing guy trying to "understand" an audience. Which doesn't make sense. An audience is comprised of picky individuals, who have their own values and ideas about buying and riding a motorcycle. "inclusivity" and "community" is interesting for a social center or a cultural initiative, for a motorcycle, how eco-friendly and not macho (speed specs?) it may be, this doesn't make sense at all. Riding a cycle is always an individual experience.

    The fact that they don't like where Tesla went with their logo says more about Brammo's desperation for image than the quality of the product itself, which could sell itself well, regardless the idea behind the logo.

    Tesla is also in a completely different league, their cars are cool (be it somewhat pricey), well worth it though considering power, speed and range they offer.

    I see where Brammo is heading though, they want this thing to be used in cities, towns and suburbs, for short range distances. BUt weren't Vespa's (and the like) also built for this idea (minus the eco-bit?).

    Vespa is hugely popular. Does their logo say community and inclusivity though? In Amsterdam you'll see a gazillion Vespa's for instance, yet each owner feels they are different for owning a Vespa in whatever unique colour or option package they choose..

    Maybe they should be looking more at catering the individual instead of not wanting to have a "green eco image" yet aspiring to be "inclusive" and "community" driven. Because in times like these that seems more like a desperate idea to be accepted by the market than to inspire individuals to feel different and exclusive for riding an electric motorcycle.

    BUt that's just my 2 pence, eh?

    • In the brief they say that they _do_ like where Tesla went with their logolukus_W
    • i can't read briefs..Coffeemaker

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