SEARS Baby Cooker?

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • sigg0

    sears has i'd say 100-150 employees crammed shoulder to shoulder in open area styled seating at their downtown chicago office and that place is a revolving door. they're gobbling up developers like they're going out of style and they all work for a complete loon who wasted 3 months, all hands on deck re-developing the site in a liquid layout so that he can drag the browser across his 60" monitor and fill it with the sears home page. they were working 70 hour weeks just so he could view the site fullscreen on his 60" monitor. not a redesign, no thoughts to adding better functionality or usability, just make it liquid. so i'd say a disgruntled employee who's been pushed past his limits is having a bit of fun with their site right about now.

    the theme music of that place i hear is circus music.

    • an old friend works there and sends me a message every so often with some pretty crazy updates.sigg
    • that's where my friend works (see below) I work right next door actually.mg33

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