Zombies will win!

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • 23kon0

    Zombies may become a reality one day.

    Did anyone else see the article on the news about the 100 Year Virus that is currently being worked on in an attempt to prolongue life, eradicate disease and infections?

    They are basing the virus on the AIDS virus which attacks the human immune system. Each virus will be matched to the person who is being given it using their DNA code. The virus will then think it it a part of the human body rather than being an attacker and will work with the human immune system to fight off any other disease, viruses or infections.

    The problem with this is that it will mean humans would be able to live well beyond how long we are meant to so the scientists are programming the disease with a 100 year lifespan.

    This could see an eradication of ALL human-killing viruses and diseases as they would end up not having a host.

    With an increase in altzheimers disease around the world there are fears that people living to 100 may be of fit body but certainly not of fit mind and may lead to "Zombified" humans living amongst us.


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