which netbook

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  • 23kon0

    ive been looking at them recently too for a platform for playing some ableton stuff live from.

    the 270 processor is in most of them so are all basically the same machine. the samsung one isnt amazingly better, just slightly longer battery time.

    one thing you DO have to look out for is the ins/outs.
    what is it you want from the machine.
    Some come with SD slots, some dont, some come with one or two USB's some come with 4.

    The spec isnt really hugely important as all are pretty much the same.

    Some new ones are shipping with 280 processor, i doubt it would be amazingly faster.

    Bumping the thing up to 2 gigs of ram is well worth doing.

    You can run stuff like Ableton from an SD Card :)

    I dont know whether to go out and buy one for gigging or to wait until a newer generation of slightly faster ones come out, theres bound to be some beasts on the horizon with slightly more oomph

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