Out of context: Reply #9

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  • raf0

    This is probably the only industry where advancements in technology and mass production don't bring prices down. This indicates a lack in competition, quite common where a state body enters the market and spoils it by overpaying. They're spending other people's money and there is plenty of room for brib.. err.. lobbying.

    This is my biggest concern about socialized healthcare, that it will devour any amount of money you throw at it and it will suck in the end. It will be milked by pharma companies instead of making them rip each other's throat lowering the prices to get the client.

    German model where you have to pay your bit and can opt out to get insured privately seems reasonable though. I have a doctor in the family in Germany, will have a chat with him to find some details..

    • My example there: I was in Opel BKK (BetriebsKrankenKass... changed to Signal Versicherung)ribit

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