Killing a browser

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Stugoo0

    i agree, kill ie6. I've talked about this to death. time to move on and start taking action.

    After reading about orange staff threatened to be fined for NOT using ie6:…

    I've decided to systematically contact my bank, phone company, gas, electric, broadband providers etc and see what browsers they are using to adminsiter thier accounts as I know a large majority of these companies use web apps.

    Basiclaly if they use IE6 I will write a letter of complaint about how they are using an insecure browser to handle my account and that I really need something to be done or I will take my business else where... i mean ffs I was in Bank of Scotland the other day and the guy showed me the company website on IE6... the first thing i said was... you need to upgrade your browser.

    Then the idea is to publish this information and to get people to do the same. Set up letter templates etc... name and shame bombard these companies and take them down....

    with all that siad as soon as ie6 is dead and im over the celebration hangover (im srsly going to throw a party) im going to go and try to take out ie7....

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