Goldman Sachs

Out of context: Reply #61

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  • MrDinky0

    You defend corruption and say it isn't corrupt. Manipulating markets is unethical and illegal but you defend it.
    – DrBombay

    Nope, Its corrupt. Thats how things work in finance. Do I like it? No. Thats what we got. Its illegal. But hey no one complain when everyone was making money!!

    • This goes back to point A. Want to loop again?DrBombay
    • There is a world beyond Milwaukee, WisconsinMrDinky
    • And I have been to many places in it. Thought you didn't want to make it personal, Canadian?DrBombay
    • Aww did I just bruise your ego a bit? heheheheheheMrDinky
    • Are you going to name drop next?MrDinky
    • Name drop? Who would I name? That doesn't make any sense.DrBombay
    • Good luck chuck. Think about GS and other big banks when you get your mortgage.MrDinky
    • Must be because I "know nothing".DrBombay
    • Stay on one subject please.DrBombay
    • Yes. Thats exactly why. Go google how mortgages work. How you get to borrow money.MrDinky
    • I am unsure about your point, you think I don't understand how these mechanisms work, but I do.DrBombay
    • You really aren't as smart as you think you are, Dink. I never disputed how it worked.DrBombay
    • So why don't you say something else off-topic now?DrBombay
    • No I am not smart. I never I was. I am actually quite dumb. I use terms like soul less piece of shit or you use broken english.MrDinky
    • ... broken english. Thats how dumb I am.MrDinky
    • You are a designer at a financial company in NYC, you speak like you are a fund manager. You may as well be the janitor.DrBombay
    • the janitor.DrBombay
    • Good for me. Can I give you a paper towel?MrDinky
    • I bet you still rent in NYC also, but are the foremost authority on mortgages, dipshit.DrBombay
    • So you want the paper towel or not?MrDinky
    • So your understanding of mortgage is from getting one? Awesome, you should be a banker.MrDinky
    • Nah, you should keep it. You are the textbook example of a fucking wannabe.DrBombay
    • Did you write that text book? Did you borrow it from Donna, Eric or Hyde? Maybe Fez? But not Kelso!!!MrDinky
    • My work is done here...DrBombay
    • This is work for you? Sad how things are like in Milwaukee.MrDinky
    • Nah it is fun, wannabe.DrBombay
    • I guess thats work when you are a web master as a local paper.MrDinky
    • Keep diggin' though, Dinky. It's pathetic.DrBombay
    • SORRY i meant to say "at a" not a "as a"MrDinky
    • See, I choose not to define myself by my occupation. That is the difference between us. You shallow piece of shit.DrBombay
    • Digging what? That you are just a web master at a local paper? Nothing to dig. Its just there.MrDinky
    • Keep acting like a banker while you design those deposit slips.DrBombay
    • So what are you? Batman?MrDinky
    • i mean "without"MrDinky
    • You make no sense.DrBombay
    • ...says a man who uses words like dipshit or soul less piece of shit.MrDinky
    • BTW so how do you define your self? The justice? To correct the wrong of the world from reading off Rollingstones?MrDinky
    • I'm done here.DrBombay
    • Nooooo come on. You can hmm I dont know what web master do but you can do it later!MrDinky

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