The Gym

Out of context: Reply #39

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  • kona0

    every morning at 5am i'm at the gym with my headphones on and it's the same 30-something, trying too hard to look cool in his under armour shorts, long sleeve tshirts and baseball cap. he's always like "YO BRO WHAT DO YOU GOT TODAY!? I GOT CHEST AND BI'S BRO!" which is pretty much what he lifts every day. i've never seen the dude on any piece of cardio equipment for more than 20 minutes yet walks around like he was one of the extras in the 300 movie. he does the typical douchebag nod to everyone and is like "HIT IT HARD BRO... GO BIG OR GO HOME RIGHT!?" and then randomly will grab a 45lb plate, spin it once in his hands and then re-rack it.

    wait a minute. jesus god. i've just described myself somehow by mistake. OH GOD NO I'M THAT GUY OH JESUS.... *runs off crying paying special attention to watch himself in windows and mirrors as i run past them to make sure i have good form and look good* OH WHAT THE FUCK I'M DOING IT AGAIN AHHHHHHHHhhhh....

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