The Gym

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • kult0

    - One guy, 40's and flab muscle, asked me to spot him doing bench on a Smith machine. No joke. Was pushing 225 but was only doing 2-inch reps if that, and each rep he'd belt out a noise the whole place could hear. His breath was fucking awful. And as with most old guys like that, he started telling me about his heydays and how he once hauled a 200 pound bag at Penn Station with one hand and popped his shoulder out of socket.. or something like that.

    - Where I used to live, there was this grizzled old guy who was about 60, gigantic gray beard, glasses. Would walk around in extremely narrow sleeveless Inzer tees so that his pale man-boobs would hang out. He'd lift a ridiculous amount of weight and be super chatty with everyone. Turns out he was a rabbi from some temple nearby who would do a 1000% transformation as soon as he walked into the gym. One time, though, he was doing barbell military presses... with weight wraps. Needless to say, he failed on a last rep, the barbell came down.. behind him..with his hands wrapped to it. I think he almost killed his spotter.

    I could name so many more it's not even funny. Like this one super lanky, very creepy guy who's easily 6'8, completely hairless, comes in every single day wearing these black dress pants, huge black swamp rain-boots that look like they've seen too many dungeons, and this oversized (oversized for a 6'8 person) green polo shirt that he hasn't changed in the last year I've seen him. All he does is hold 10 pound dumbells in his hands, stare menacingly into a concrete wall, and slowly spin them around in the air for an hour every day. I get this weird scary vibe from the guy, but it was compounded by my seeing him one night at a local park, literally standing next to a dingy water fountain holding the button down for like 15 minutes, unmoving, frozen like a statue. I had no idea what he was doing.. and I don't ever want to.

    • Hasidic Rabbi*kult
    • holy fuck... more more more!jimzyk
    • hahahahha awesome.Gucci
    • haha, old guys -- he's in his 40'sJosev
    • we need an entire book of these. or at least a blog entry. i want to know all of their stories.sublocked

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