Can somebody convert a Corel CDR to an AI file Please

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  • Spookytim0

    Go out of the building via the service doorway, then head west. At about 300yeards you'll see an unmarked door, kick it in, run through the store-room and out the opposite side. You'll be on the shop floor of Banana Republic, head out on to the main strip and turn right, cross the street, go about 200 yeards until you see Borders, just beyond Borders is a small disused alleyway. By now they'll be on to you with thermoptics so you're going to have to really move now. Down the alleyway and out the other side to the vacant lots under the railway overhead. Cross that, you might need grappling hooks, and into the depository building. By now the've scramble drones so you're really racing against time here.

    Takle the frieght elevator to 3. Get out, turn left, end of the corridor. Unmarked door. Knock. Wait. Pray. If it opens there's no time to explain. Get in there, take a lead shower to irradiate... they will have your radio code on file so this is vital... strip, check for any bugs, burn everything... BURN EVERYTHING, run tot he window, smash it with your head, throw yourself out.

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