Steve Jobs & LSD

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • mikotondria30

    I done quite a bit of programming and a shed load of acid, and I'm curious as to some useful qualifications of how precisely acid helped in the creative process.
    Certainly coming away from the world as it is on acid to the mundane, still and sterile world we all need to live and operate in can elucidate various, normally 'oriental' ways of viewing oneself and finding novel solutions, they are usually along the prinicples of buddism, such as the whole is contained within each and every part; everything is a reflection of everything else; the map is not the territory, the music is what happens between the notes and so on. Anyone know of any sites/resources/articles that are NOT new-age/psychedelic-nonsense/lef... whole-earth-gaia drug-lunatic that actually speak in real terms about how anyone like Mr Jobs made intellectual leaps through characterizable insights gained from '25 ?

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