QBN dreams

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • emukid0

    had a strange dream. several QBNers were at my place for 4th of july. there wasn't a barbecue but i did prepare several different things for dinner. it was a pleasant experience and none of you tried to be your regular dick selves. notbyhand got drunk fairly early in the evening and was laughing at the dumbest of things. locustloth and 734 talked to each other most of the evening. i was pretty sure they had a thing for each other. canuck was watching tv and didn't converse much. rand kept asking if mayo was coming and i assured him she RSVPed she would but she didn't. jnr's girlfriend called every 10 minutes or so to keep tabs on him. jaline kept refilling my wine glass. pylon was the only one on qbn asking where everyone went.

    • Apparently I was in the basement bogarting the scotch with e-pill, gramme and Morilla.TheBlueOne

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