Marriage Pros vs Cons

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • 54 Responses
  • slinky0

    Pros: Everything
    Cons: Nothing

    • That is just being dishonest.DrBombay
    • totally dilusional
    • not at all... if you can't look past tough times (which will definitely come) and learn and become a better husband & wife, then there is a problem with you and not with marriageslinky
    • wife, then there is a problem with you and not with marriageslinky
    • So you were nothing before you were married...DrBombay
    • life sucked, you got married and now it is all skittles and shit.DrBombay
    • there is a problem with he idea of marriage. It made sense in the dark ages. But not now.
    • tell that to 3 marriage counselors.
    • slink dog! i said the same thing above duder!kona
    • Yeah but you were bullshitting, kona, hahahaDrBombay
    • the hell i was. you ever hear me complain? it was more a joke... like when my buddies talk about a strip club...kona
    • ... and i go "i would never do that!" into my ring like it's a secret two way radio she set up. but i'd really never do that.kona
    • *pulls collar*kona
    • ps. why so cynical these days?kona
    • Not cynical. Just messing with people today. When inna good mood, I break people's balls.DrBombay
    • wow. for the past 6 years here you must be the happiest fucker in the world then. who knew.kona
    • pretty much.DrBombay

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