Fuck you, Maryland...

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • slinky0

    live in VA and work in Rockville, MD... Maryland is one big armpit.

    their traffic camera laws should be thrown out.. got a speeding ticket for 10 miles over...

    only places i really like going to in MD is to Camden Yards to see my Orioles play (except for the fact that they suck) and going to see my Redskins play (STADIUM SHOULD BE IN DC, NOT MD!!!)

    oh, i love going to Ocean City... so many things to laugh at

    • 10 miles is speeding though?version3
    • Points earned for supporting a hard-to-love team.blaw
    • Camden Yard is awesome. Started the whole throwback baseball field which was just ruined by NY collectively.flavorful
    • Ocean City is fucking hilarious.flavorful
    • 10 miles over is speeding, but i should have the right to be pulled over by a police officer not by a camera (stalking everyone)... also my car was in the shop around the time the photo was taken in that area.. so i dont know if i was driving it (when i dropped car off)or the repair shop guy was driving it..slinky
    • ...everyone)... also my car was in the shop around the time the photo was taken in that area.. so i dont know if i was driving it (when i dropped car off)or the repair shop guy was driving it..slinky
    • ...(when i dropped car off)or the repair shop guy was driving it..slinky
    • the cameras don't take your picture unless you're going 15 over...plus they're being added in VA so do enjoy when you party in Clarendon.connector-Y

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