Xbox Natal -- WOAHHH!

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • Autokern0

    Seen that the other day. Pretty amazing but consider a couple of things:
    - Molineux is well known to be an overboaster when is about present new games/new technologies.
    - The technology they're presenting is most likely real: play fable 2, and Black and White and you'll see where it comes from.
    - the environment they're using is quite limited in terms of space so they could have pumped up the poligons to get a decent result.

    And finally this is pretty much the presentation of an "happy case" kinda of a staged situation where things will work smoothly.

    Still interesting though

    • As I said to the other guy, read hands-on articles on the game sites. People are using this right now.CygnusZero4
    • + Molineux is just one developer who was allowed to make a prototype game, has has nothing to do with Natel.NONEIS

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