Traffic Lights cyclists

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • 23kon0

    cyclists piss me off no end and i've ranted endlessly on here about them.

    they either need to decide whether they want to be classed as pedestrians (using pavement) or a road user and NOT be both.

    they should be far more accountable for their actions and i'd like to see the police cracking down in the ones that shoot red lights.
    If i broke as many laws driving to work as some cyclists do going to work then i'd be in prison.

    I was behind a police car the other day and was stopped at lights and a few cyclists came up . i was GAGGING for them to shoot the lights or mount the pavement cos i wouldve been hard on my horn to grab the police's attention then point in the direction of the cyclists and have been shouting "get the c*nt!" out my window.

    these days i go out of my way to inconvenience smartarse cyclists and tuck up tight to the kerb or parked vehicles when going along in slow moving traffic.

    as a pedestrian too they get on my wick and i'd love the opportunity to get clipped by one or to be able to take evasive action to save myself but also knock them clean off their bike.
    a brolly through the spokes would be absolute classic and i'm pretty sure it would gain a round of applause from everyone else standing around at the lights or waiting to cross the road.

    if you are going to use the roads, use them lawfully.

    maybe licencing for bikes (reg plates) and insurance should be compulsory - why not? we have insurance for everything else - pets, computers, cars, homes, holiday insurance.

    • you come across as a right cunt with the brolly statementBluejam
    • Its people like you that fuck it for everyone cyclists are cyclists not cars, not pedestrians and have as much right to road as you.Kidswift
    • you seem like the type of driver whose windsheild i smash with my lock as im passing your dumb car.ross
    • some cyclicts really deserve the brolly. sorry but im standing by that23kon
    • omg 23kon! such a bitter hateful outlook, you should go for a bike ride it might cheer you up!vespa

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