NHL 09 Playoffs

Out of context: Reply #264

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  • rosem0

    I'm just giving you a hard time. :)

    Honestly I don't think Pittsburg can beat Detroit—they depend on Crosby and Malkin too much. As long as Detroit can keep these two under control, I don't see them winning.

    Detroit is deep enough to use their "star" players to play a more defensive role, and let the underrated players put up the points. When Datsyuk returns (Game 3/4?) it will be even harder for them to keep control of the puck.

    It's the same reason the Caps lost to Pittsburgh as they were relying on Oveckin. There is no "i" in "Stanley"...

    • I do agree that it must be a team effort, and Detroit always has depth.juhls

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