middle name?

Out of context: Reply #33

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  • juhls0

    I really like your name, René, but you already know that. In fact, I have always liked sexually ambiguous names in general.

    Don't have a middle name, but maybe I will move my last name into that spot when and if I get hitched.

    • I'll allow it.flavorful
    • haha. I'm stealing J. Fitz from you.juhls
    • I'll allow that too, haha. :Dflavorful
    • Sritharan doesn't exactly roll off the tongue though, juhls ;)Scotch_Roman
    • you're doing it wrong mattversion3
    • If she gets married, then Sritharan will be her middle name, no?Scotch_Roman
    • her "fair" maiden name. keeping it would result in a hypen, Sritharan-Fitzsteel or whatnotversion3
    • I know what you mean. I thought of that too. But my middle name won't be used that much. I may even end up gettingjuhls
    • with someone who has a longer name than I do (very possible), which will require some further thinking.juhls
    • Names are messed up in general when people from that culture move to the outside world. Their first name becomesjuhls
    • the last name of their children. So if my brother wanted, he could make his first name his kids' last name. It's nice anywayjuhls

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