Star Trek...

Out of context: Reply #128

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  • Nairn0

    Finally saw this last night at the flicks.

    Pretty good - 'best' ST movie yet, but I found the story arc overly predictable, the conclusion obvious and that, overall, everything was a little too easy - though if they're intent on following this one up with a few more in the same vein, I guess it makes for a harmless Origins tale.

    Whilst it was amusing that the obligatory RedShirt got nuked on an away mission - wtf? these are supposed to be super-trained futurubermensch - no way it's conceivable the lead soldier would play reckless like that. Silly.

    I have to say, as much as I love Simon Pegg, I was thoroughly irritated by his typically English (ie. wholly inaccurate and very crappy) attempt at a Scottish accent. Didn't like his cutesy little friend either. I thought we'd learnt that lesson after the fucking ewoks and Jar-Jar.

    As for canon - what the fuck?! They left Vulcan obliterated?! There was no 'fixing' of the normal time line? No no no, sirs... WRONG!

    Also, what was with the blur-focus on the majority of the Older Spock shots? It just didn't make sense - it was either some horrific oversight, or a really bad attempt at soft focus sentimentality.

    Oh, and - Uhura and oldenWinona, HOTT.

    • +1 on Simon Peggs accent, it was really bad. Mind you, I think only Scottish people will have a problem with it.Jnr_Madison
    • i thought uhura was hideousscarabin

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