Side or Vertical scroll?

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  • fyoucher10

    Like ukit says, depends on the site...

    Other options...

    Use a horizontal scroller that utilizes the scroll wheel from a vertical scroll. I use it in Flash on my site (it's controlled using arrow keys, mouse wheel, left and right arrows, as well as a clickable scrollbar).

    I choose horizontal for a few reasons:
    - I find it more natural to read and view from left to right as opposed to up/down.
    - You can fit more than one project in the same browser space albeit smaller folio images.
    - Allows a 'featured projects' view.

    Vertical is a good option if:
    - You want to go straight to the large image rather than start from a thumbnail.
    - Good for using anchors too.
    - People are used to scrolling vertically.

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