OSX font rendering on Windows

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  • monospaced0

    Problem here is that without the proper font, it's still gonna look like shit. Props to the the better rendering/anti-aliasing engine, but it's still hard to polish a turd.

    • yepjimbojones
    • the pc rendering may look like shit but it's at least clearer than that muddy garbage on the right7point34
    • THAT is because of the font and the size of the font in Windows, not because of a far superior rendering engine.monospaced
    • mono is right again.jimbojones
    • so i should do what? install this app and then change all my settings in windows to make the type 'more hip' looking?7point34
    • what's the goddamn point? useless wankery if you ask me, i can read the text just fine as it is.7point34
    • stick to your current settings because without the optimized fonts it won't help muchjimbojones
    • Look at Lucida on a Mac and then on a PC, you'll shit bricks.jimbojones
    • and then look at screenfonts vs. print and shit a cinderblock. i get it.7point34

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