Angry music

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • mikotondria30

    Oh god, no offence - but it's all so contrived, isn't it ?
    Guitars - grrr !! Got to have guitars,, it's the only thing we can play. So yeh - guitars, grr - turned right up on the amp so you get that, distorted sound. Well ok, it's not unique, but it does 'mean' angry doesnt it ? So - yeh, do that.
    ..and play it really quickly, like you're really, er...angry..
    And you, the drummer - play the drums really hard and fast, like you're jumping up and down mad about stuff - really bash the fuck out of them, quickly mind - so hard and angry, yeh!
    And me, I'll do the vocals, so Im guessing I'll like shout the words ! Yeh, just like monotonal screaming, as if I'm so angry I've forgotten how to sing, and Im just screaming - yeh..
    Ok, everyone ready ? Jules - are you angry enough ? What ?
    Why not ?
    Well, get angry...
    What do you mean ?
    Oh I don't know - anything, anything that makes you angry - injustice, the human condition, things kids did you you when you were at school, anything like that...
    What ? Well just imagine you were, make something up.
    Everyone ready ?
    Go !
    [mungnugrugnurgurggrrurunrnrm r!!!!!!! ] etc.
    Not to sound cynical about the whole genre, Im sure some people are genuinely angry about somethings, but angry music just makes me laugh. They all just sound so fake about it.
    If you want to fuck with my emotions come up with something new and original, musically - something that will fuck with how I try to listen to it, something with hitherto unheard of characteristics, something that forces me to take part in listening but ultimately is a mental kick in the face and defies my concepts of what sound should or could be.
    Don't just get the same old musical kit that everyones been using for the last 50 years and turn it up and play it quickly, that just won't do it.

    • You can be just as cynical about every other style of music, too, if you cared to.floccinaucinihilipil
    • Generalizations are for those not interested enough to care. It's cool, but why bother?floccinaucinihilipil
    • Do you know how technical it is to play some of this stuff? Some of the most talented musicians are Metal players.morilla
    • You sound cynical about it. You just sit there and wait for the world to make some extra special new angry music just for you, ok?TheBlueOne
    • for you, ok?TheBlueOne
    • So I'm guessing your in the Britney camp right?dan5382

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