Gun laws..

Out of context: Reply #69

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  • winnie_the_shit0

    I'm not afraid, not angry. Don't project what isnt there.

    I'm providing an outsiders viewpoint (which no american could ever accept.. and every NON american will know what I mean)

    Now, try to understand.

    No, what I am trying to point out.. is that your pointlessly protect a right and ignore a problem because you think that it's necessary to be able to carry weapons.

    If you're so responsible.. then why not hand the control over to a larger agency, a government, a law. No harm in that right?

    Controls, so that law enforcement can have an easier time controlling irresponsible gun owners.

    It wont stop all shootings, nor will it eradicate gun violence.

    What it will do is give the "responsible" gun owner (as you proclaim to be) a way of differentiating themselves from an irresponsible gun owner.

    But because the gun issue is buried in your constitution, it puts ALL gun owners on the same level.

    Because you all agree, responsible or not, that you are free to carry them.

    This, again, is an outsiders perspective.

    • I'd bet ole winnie is from England, herself. I have noticed this sort of love of authority before. It's typical of Brits.styleplus

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