Is This A Good Way To Charge Clients ?

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • harlequino0

    i hear you Luono, but just from a practical perspective and as someone who hires dev/tech firms, I'd never agree to this kind of billing practice, it's be a dealbreaker for me and it's just plain odd. You want to just give me a hard price quote? Fine, no problem. But I'm not buying time blocks.

    I totally get accomodating existing clients. We have clients of 5 years that get away with murder, but we make sure we don't get fucked. Use your judgement for existing clients, but for new ones, you're gonna get railed I fear.

    • but hey, i hope it works. who knows. :)harlequino
    • U'd go as far as NOT hiring us bcuz you find it odd practice, even if its a ure advantage ?

      thanks for inputs
    • If you compare the same to another firm, yes probably. It's kind of transparent and I'd be waiting to get hit with more...harlequino
    • hours later on. I'd pick the company with clearer billing practices. Sorry, it is what it is.harlequino
    • its ok, thanks for the input, although, i dont find having hour blocks "shady", seems clear to meLouno

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