Battlestar Galactica

Out of context: Reply #99

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  • Jaline0

    I did have the same thoughts as you did as Gaeta. Many people have guessed that Gaeta is the fifth. Baltar acts strangely around him, and I think it's because there is some aspect of Gaeta that reminds Baltar of himself.


    "In the episode "Taking a Break from All Your Worries", Gaeta offers to interrogate Baltar for Adama after Baltar's return to Galactica. Baltar discovers a camera in his cell and starts to provoke Gaeta, revealing that he knows a secret about Gaeta. After Baltar whispers the "secret" inaudibly in Gaeta's ear, Gaeta stabs Baltar in the neck with a pen and attempts to strangle him before being restrained by Adama. (It is later revealed in the 2009 "The Face of the Enemy" webisodes that Baltar was aware of Gaeta's secret relationship with a duplicitous copy of Sharon Valerii on New Caprica, which lead to the death of numerous civilians. Baltar's whisper was revealed to be, "I know what your Eight did!")"

    "From the webisodes "The Face of the Enemy" forward (set between episodes 13 and 14 of Season 4), Gaeta has a wildly different opinion of the fleet's alliance with the rebel cylons. In "The Oath", Gaeta, Tom Zarek, and numerous compatriots rebel against the authority of Admiral Adama, Saul Tigh and Laura Roslin. Gaeta uses his position in CIC and his knowledge of the ship to single-handedly orchestrate a mutiny aboard Galactica. In the ensuing chaos, Gaeta has Admiral Adama and Colonel Tigh arrested and takes command of the ship.

    In the following episode, Blood on the Scales, Gaeta unsuccessfully orders the execution of Admiral Adama, and is ultimately arrested and, along with Tom Zarek, executed by firing squad in an airlock. His last words are, "It stopped," a reference to the constant pain in his amputated leg. His actions at the end of his mutiny indicate that he knew he was losing. After failing to escape, he stands down rather than fight it out with the Cylons and Roslin and surrenders without a fight to Adama. He tells Baltar that he's alright with the fact that he lost but hopes that someday everyone will understand who he was which is something Baltar understood."


    Many sites have already confirmed that Ellen is the 5th cylon.

    "Kate Vernon, who plays Ellen Tigh in the series, tells Access Hollywood that she's known about her character's fate for two years, and hints at an upcoming reunion between Ellen and Saul -- among other major bombs to be dropped in each of the nine remaining episodes."

    Here is the executive producer confirming it:…

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