Part timer

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • vespa0

    i had a full time job and a full time band. the band tours, records, we rehearse 3-4 times a week and i was turning up at work with bags under my eyes after catching post-gig overnight trains home from plymouth, manchester etc and going straight to work. i wouldn't turn in bad work so i'd work late, get no sleep, etc.

    i kept it up for a couple of years but eventually ran out of holidays and was pretty miserable from stress/sleep deprivation.

    started freelancing a year ago and have made an unbreakable rule that i can only work 3 days a week. the rest of the time i make music and more recently i've started animating personal projects. I earn at least ten grand more than i used to when i was full time, but it took a few months to build up the network, and of course no sick leave etc.

    i can't believe it took me so long to believe in myself enough to leave the security of a full time job. i mean, what's the worst that can happen -- you don't get enough freelance work and then have to go back full time. so what, at least you tried.

    but i don't think that will be the case -- your work is very good. there will never be an oversupply of people who are at a certain level.

    DO IT.

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