<< TF's Johnny Cash

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • TransFatty0

    any kind of american patriotism is so awashed with historical guilt, and
    unprecedent politically corrupt baggage that the "greatness" that is so
    often proudly displayed is viewed by all other nations as pure ignorance.
    any greatness to be achieved by the americans, through the worlds eyes,
    would have to be done not as a formal display of superiority and not in a
    way america has consistently done so in the post..rather the real greatness
    the world wants to see is the admission to the fact they have been wrong. a
    cultural renassance of humiliation and regret. germany has a certain amount
    of this with hitler. of course the world sits back and quietly watches the
    strange saga of the usa continue to unfold, but historical fact remains that
    the rich land of north america was a colonized country and thus politically
    it had no old world associations. this point is evidence enough today to
    make the claim that america has done a horrible job developing a unique part
    of earth while using a huge amount of the earths resources. what good has
    the us done since its started? and is the us powerbase legitimate?
    traditionally the us has broke the world into two segments. this can be
    best understood with the "us and them" idealogy that the us uses. however
    as ultimate truth slowly sets into the population at large, wider truths are
    increasingly obvious that the world is one and is working towards that point
    day-by-day. had america developed with britain and maintained its
    relationship, we can only speculate what kind of place it would be today.

    what the world wants to hear from the us is an apology for being horribly
    wrong on a great number of occasions. do the americans really think the
    power they have is from themselves? not only does american power root
    directly from the land, whose isnt really theirs and everyone knows that.
    but the world cannot fathom how america deceives itself into believing that
    the land is theirs. of course we understand doing this would mean the demise
    to the american spirit. because america is all about freedom, liberty, $$$,
    etc..do you really think the rest of the world is any different than you?
    for the world it is not easy because on one hand america is a powerhouse of
    culture, and on the other poses the greatest threat to future-earth ever.
    and often the cultural exports are becoming increasingly critical of us
    authority. which further justifies the increasing disappointment with lazy
    american consciousness.

    san fransico, denver, miami, new york do possess a great deal of
    transcendental thinkers with worldcentric values but the majority of america
    remains in the dark. and especially so with raving. drugs, and usage of
    chemicals to altar states is something that warrants paranoria and fear in
    america. why? because the us government will not allow minds that are
    seeking spiritual attainment thru altered states. they want working
    automatons. not enlightened souls. canada has recently stricken pot from the
    schedule 1 of controlled substanced thus making it a legal substance to
    possess. and generally canadian government is eons ahead of the us
    government in making policy that measures up to the sentiments of the people
    at large. partly because their population is smaller, and partly because
    they have less rightwing fundamentalism, and a great deal more liberal
    progressive thought which is based in real socially compassionate policy

    i could go on and on about the patriot act, bush, ashcroft, but i am sure u
    are well aware of the movement occuring on planet earth. the global
    underground is surging towards a greater system of order, with increased
    information technology coupled with musical intelligence there are forms of
    consciousness that are absolutely without a doubt important to the evolution
    of human life and the salvation of earth as a whole. and warp is on the
    cutting edge in providing transformative media which brings about a
    catalytic change in people to the integral wave of life.

    to reiterate i think it is bad taste what u did.

    ron rockey



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