snowboarding injury...again

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    There's a lot of people suggesting I hop up and dust myself off. Understand it was a very lucky situation I was actually able to survive, let alone walk after my back injury. That kind of pain and disability really messes with your head, you get hooked on pain killers and then you have that monkey on your back.
    So this season, as I said, dusted myself off and got back on the horse so to speak, and I took it really easy. No park riding, nothing crazy, just fun slow rollers and big wide turns, small grabs etc but NOTHING like before.
    This last saturday I was just in some deep po po :) and pretty much riding a wheelie to keep from burying my nose in the snow and sinking. Just sorta lost my balance, got too far forward and dug the tip of the board into the snow. My momentum then carried me forward and put all the pressure on my frontside leg (I ride regular). and I could just feel the muscle come apart from the bone. Instant pain.
    So then, with all the talk of keep on riding despite all of this, Im just not sure. I promised everyone I wouldnt get hurt again after my back, now Im in lots of trouble with my mom and family (even my ex g.f. is pissed) But I love it so much, I'm sure this wont be the last time. Thanks for all your concerns and well wishes.

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