more fucking UGC

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • kelpie0

    its the social virus thing, its totally valid for marketeers to want to try to engage people instead of shouting at them. Online at least it is utterly and completely the way communication should be going. The problem is that people, as you've said, jump on it without really understanding it as either a medium or a phenomenon. Case in point being the "we want you to build a NEW video platform" or trying to build a new social network and plonk it down on the outskirts of Internetville and hope thousands upon thousands of people decide to dump their current destinations and use theirs instead. That's wallys just not getting it at all.

    I like the Zootube thing Poke did, using the Youtube API and applying the brand to it in an intelligent way is much better; using people's current habitual online destinations to help you.

    • I could pontificate on this stuff for hours and hours. I might even say something of value half way in ;)kelpie

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