British Dress Codes

Out of context: Reply #16

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  • max_prophet0

    I've been away from the monstrous olde london towne for a bit over a month scooting about here and there and generally being a decadent flaneur. Sadly, however, reality beckons and some money must be earned so I'm back in London today, to be more specific, the 'fashionable' Brick Lane.

    Wow, it actually got worse, it's got more 'fashionable'. Trendies and hipsters are literally tripping over each other as they glare at which edition of elephant-face skin flip flops the guy over there in the top hat and tails is wearing, bloated northern student whores muffin-topping out of their 1980s prostitute spandex hand out flyers for their upcoming 'electro-jazzhop wogbox jam' fashion show and swivel on their leopard skin heels to make sure you can read their deep, philosophical t-shirts that read "I AM A NUMBER" or some other complete nonsense aimed to prove that they are free thinkers and not simply the bored, desperate, vacuous, lonely fucking parasites they really are.

    How these people can spend such vast amounts of time and energy making themselves look like floppy ragdolls with seagull shit in their hair is beyond me. The real irony is that they have convinced themselves that they are free thinkers and individuals with originality and hilarious wit, but the obvious fact is that they have just morphed themselves into looking exactly like the rest of the mindless mob and even donned silly masks to hold worthless 'protests' outside the CoS.

    Get a fucking grip people, you are worthless lost souls yes, but don't try to dress it up as some kind of bohemian art statement. Get off the bandwagon and put your energy into... well... anything else.

    crazy fucks.

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    • seemed fitting, sorry to interruptmax_prophet
    • "floppy ragdolls with seagull shit in their hair" hahaahaaaaaa brilliant, yay you're back on form!vespa
    • ahahah.Corvo2
    • yeah i think Claridges is preferable over all that horrible dressing backwards pointy shoe bullshit.mimeartist_limited
    • hahahahahajanne76

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