Out of context: Reply #10

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    My first day on duty at the Terrordrome! What an experience! It was like being on a Hollywood red carpet, I saw so many heavy hitters! I'd barely walked in the door when I saw this beautiful woman in the tightest uniform I've ever seen. I was checking her out when I realized it was the Baroness! Live and in the flesh! That lady really knows how to make the COBRA emblem look good. (I shouldn't say that. The Baroness is a valued leader in the COBRA organization, and it's not right for me to objectify her.)

    Later, on my orientation tour, I saw Destro striding down the hall on his way to a meeting ... maybe he and the Commander were going to get together and brainstorm new plots to defeat those G.I. Joe losers. Man, what I'd give to be a fly on the wall during one of those skull sessions. Anyway, let me tell you, you don't know what dignity looks like until you've seen Destro striding down the hall with his facemask polished up like a mirror, his chest medallion gleaming, and his snake-hood collar flaring out proudly. What an inspiration!

    I also met Dr. Mindbender during the tour. He was very nice, and invited me to come down to his lab sometime so he could measure the bumps on my head. Doesn't make much sense to me, but, then, he's the genius and I'm the grunt.

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