
Out of context: Reply #93

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    Tommyo, I agree with you. I for one have no interest in controlling people. If I share my faith with a friend or acquaintance and they become a Christian, that's brilliant but it's not me who saves, it's not me who changes people so that they are "born again", it's the Holy Spirit. It's insufferably arrogant for anyone to believe they can control another person's religious persuasion. Also, it's insufferably obtuse, counterproductive and anti-social to flip out on people with whom we disagree on matters of faith and/or philosophy.

    I read on a Christian blog recently where a guy in my very own church was ridiculing someone who chastised him about his tone. He was saying (they guy in my church whose tone was in question) that maybe we need to worry more about the truth and less about tone. The thing is, if in my tone I come across as a self-righteous asshole who cares chiefly about being correct, then I am no longer speaking the truth—because love is THE ultimate truth. If I lack love and respect for fellow men, then who gives a shit if I speak truth—no one will listen to me anyway.

    We do need to be very careful when differentiating between defending one's faith and attempting to control other people. Everyone with half a backbone defends whatever they believe. Controlling people is another thing entirely.

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