
Out of context: Reply #87

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  • gramme0

    For the record Khurram (and anyone else who may be curious), a Christian fundamentalist is a person who is so wrapped up with the "letter" of the law, rather than the "spirit" of the law, that they create rules and boundaries in areas where the Bible is completely silent. They add to the word of God, because they dive headfirst into God's laws while missing the POINT of those laws.

    Christian fundamentalism gets caught up in adding good works to justification. Fundies are the ones who say it's sinful for a woman to wear a skirt which rises above the knee, that it's sinful to listen to rock music, and that 9/11 was God's retribution against gays and liberals.

    There is absolutely nothing in the Bible to support these sort of claims made by fundies, and you should know that I have absolutely nothing to do with these people. I abhor it when Christians discount the sovereignty of God and detract from the infallibility of his word, but I also abhor it when they ADD to the word of God, as if we have anything worthwhile to contribute to our salvation or any way of making ourselves holier.

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