
Out of context: Reply #35

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  • Khurram0

    Latest fitness check up - Weight 84 kg - 2kg under weight
    Blood pressure 118 - OPTIMAL
    Body fat - 11 % , EXCELLENT. surprising considering I'm on a bulking cycle.

    Need to up the calorie intake this month. Will dedicate December to strength training only and bulking. Get myself up to 20% body fat. Low intensity training, but HEAVY weights. Enjoy socialising, fucking, rest, take a break, also sort out new apartment etc...

    Enter cutting cycle in January. Dedicate to waking up 6.30am and going for a morning jog before work 3 times a week minimum. Then evening Muay Thai 3 times a week and then weights 3 times a week. Month of being a 'hermit'... dedicated to the sport. Body fat down to 15% - possible experimentation with steroids and other performance enhancers.

    Paid the cost to be da boss

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