Too many hats?

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  • eating_tv0

    James, you have a good point. Doing too many things might dilute your capabilities aswell. For example, I used to script PHP aswell as do graphic design. At one point I was only scripting PHP (did this for a year or two) and was not only increasingly unhappy with the boring chore, I was also wasting time scripting instead of building up experience in the graphic design field.

    I think it's important to make really hard choices. You can do more than one thing, but don't necessarily advertise it. Focus on the things you like best and do best. The ones that in five years time will still be enjoyable and give you the most fulfillment. In my case that turned out to be anything -but- webdesign. More specifically; graphic design, illustration and motion design. I can still build websites but no way in hell i'd do it for a client. Let alone script complex CMS systems, i'm through with those!

    THEN it's easier for yourself to show off a hat or multiple hats. Because you not only love those hats better but for others it will be easier to pinpoint exactly what it is you do and do best. Added to that; remember that "from what you do, you'll get more". Meaning; if you are designing websites for a month it's probably you'll be doing that next month too instead of doing some illustration.

    So for me it was cutting down on the possibilities and really sifting out the things I liked doing best.

    • In short; multiple hats is fine, just not too many. I'd say 2, max 3.eating_tv
    • True. Fair enough.JamesThomson

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