Bnp member list leaked online

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • 23kon0

    They were saying on the news this morning that on the list there were policemen who were in the BNP and that with this list being published they would either have to leave the BNP or they would get chucked out of the Police force.

    OK, fair enough - nobody, especially an ethnic minority or coloured people want racist policemen.

    BUT, isnt that an infringement on that policemans human rights?
    - To be persecuted at work for having his own beliefs?

    (it's a Labour government we have in power at the moment - so shouldnt anyone who votes against the state/norm like conservative/lib dem also be thrown out of the police force? lol)

    And just because he is IN the BNP doesnt make him a racist, he might be one of these people who are pissed off with the amount of immigrants that have been dumped by the government into their area which in turn takes the price of property in that area down then it runs-down even more and puts even more strain the UK benefits system. This is how the BNP is winning votes.

    That santa pic above is quality!

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